About us
Landscape management
From water’s edge to treetop,we’re taking care.
Watching over the wonder.
Our vision is to be the UK’s most pioneering and sustainable rural estate, and embodied within this drive is our ambition to be pioneering, sustainable and influential in managing our landscape, farmland, habitats and wildlife. With a landscape interwoven with farmland, woodland, parkland, saltmarsh, coastline and the Holkham National Nature Reserve, Holkham is a place of precious and diverse habitats.
We are fortunate to attract a team of experts in conservation, farming, forestry and gamekeeping – all who work together to ensure we are exemplary in the management of these landscapes- for now and future generations of flora, fauna and humankind.
Read on to find out more about each of these specialisms at Holkham.

We have been leading the way in agriculture for centuries, and we plan to continue this legacy for generations to come.

Protecting and enhancing our ecosystems – our environments, habitats and wildlife – is at the core of our very purpose and being at Holkham.

A landscape of woodlands and parkland shaped by history, but managed today with our sights set very much on the future.

Living their lives outside 365 days of the year, our professional gamekeepers care passionately about maintaining the careful balance of nature and food chains.