Castle Acre Project – Latest Progress November 2021
November 19, 2021 | Land management | 3 minute read
On behalf of the Holkham Estate, we are very pleased to bring you the latest news on our Massingham Road development.
The aerial photo was taken earlier in November on a beautiful, calm day. You can see that works have moved on in the last few weeks and we now have six houses with roofs tiled, including the pair on Massingham Road opposite the Stone Barn. The 7th house will have its roof tiled in the next month.
Looking back up the site from the southern end we have roof trusses on the 8th and 9th houses in our build sequence, with external walls visibly rising on all other plots. The construction industry currently faces huge shortages of materials due to record levels of demand for building and therefore houses eight and nine should have their roof coverings installed in February when more tiles are due to arrive on site. We are still aiming to achieve completion of all the houses in early Autumn 2022.
Meanwhile, we are busy inside plastering the first four houses and the first coats of internal paint are being applied.
The marketing launch will be put back to the new year when works inside and outside the first phase of houses will be more advanced and we will be in a better position to welcome potential purchasers who will almost certainly want a much closer look at the new homes we are building.
Our contact at Savills, if you wish to register an interest, is Frances Cooper. Email FCooper@savills.com or telephone 01603 229244.
For further information please contact Richard Leigh, Construction Manager, on 07920 450842 or email r.leigh@holkham.co.uk
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