Tilly’s work experience week with the Marketing Team
July 5, 2024 | Holkham voices | 2 minute read
After a week of work experience at Holkham (with the Marketing team) I am going to share my thoughts and feelings about working the role that I did and with the people who I worked alongside.
I will start off by answering the question ‘was it what I expected?’ To be honest, I didn’t really know what to expect except that there would potentially be creativity and computers involved. Of course my expectations were exceeded and I had as much as you could imagine crammed into my week, filming, social media, reviews, designing, organisation, interviews, listing and so much more all of which I couldn’t tell you what was my favourite because I loved doing a mixture of everything!
I genuinely enjoyed my week so much and would happily do more time, Marketing is 100% something that I will be looking into for careers when I’m older, I’m so glad that I enjoyed my time because now I have a slightly clearer path ahead of me for what I would like to do and achieve. As well as working I was also given the chance to look around the Hall, which was utterly magnificent, with guides in most rooms sharing interesting facts about it. Throughout the week I was given so much freedom, being sent on walks to capture footage, then turning it into content (which was then posted to socials!!), designing summer posters with complete free hand to make my own poster within the design specification.
All of the team, Lucy, Emma, Niobe and Clem were lovely and really helped me to get a feel of the job. They helped me when I needed help and were willing to give up time to explain complicated and even simple things to me. Thank you!
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