Jake Buck
Before joining the Holkham Forestry Team in 2020, I was a Gardener at Pinewoods for three years.
Our job as Foresters at Holkham is so varied, we do so many different things. A few of my main roles include felling in thinning/clear fell operations, clearing wind blown trees, plantation maintenance, planting trees in the winter months, pruning our young trees and delivering biomass to Holkham’s biomass boilers in the park. The timber that is produced from our felling work is dried chipped and used in the boilers.
How would you choose to spend a day out at Holkham?
I would go on a long walk around the lake with my partner and dog, before heading to the Courtyard Cafe for a nice hot chocolate and a warm sausage roll.

Has your role changed or evolved during your time here?
Yes, it has changed a lot since I started out as a trainee forester. After a year of on the job training, I gained a lot of new skills and qualifications which lead me to getting promoted to a forester. Since then I have continued to gain more skills, qualifications and more importantly a lot more experience in my role here.