Lowering our carbon footprint

Holkham is formed of many businesses operating in different ways. One thing that brings each business together is our focus on lowering our carbon footprint. Regular discussions and decisions take place, each looking at how we can be kinder to our planet.
We consider ways to prompt changes in behaviour and have already taken steps to reduce our consumption of energy in particular including using automatic lighting and LED bulbs and replacing electronic equipment such as fridges in our cafés with the most energy efficient models. We also switch off monitors when we are not in the office.
We continue to ensure that all our electricity comes from a renewable source and generate it through solar panels where possible.

Creating more compost
We are considering how we can generate our own compost on a large scale.
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Measuring our natural capital
In order to improve our goal to increase natural capital every year, we first needed to work out a way of measuring it.
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Working with our contractors and suppliers
We are working with our wedding and event suppliers to eradicate the use of skips. We’re looking at ways to improve waste on building sites.
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Data driven decision making
We are busy behind the scenes crunching the numbers on carbon and waste so we know how we’re doing and where to improve.
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