Reduced inputs on farms

Across our farms, we are reducing the inputs used, particularly artificial fertilisers which account for a very large proportion of our overall estate emissions.
This year we are running a number of different trials with our industry partners to test alternative ways of farming which will reduce our carbon footprint. These include trialling nitrogen use efficiency, using seaweed and bio stimulants as an alternative to artificial fertiliser, cultivation trials, blight resistant potato trails & also using lower carbon fertiliser.
Our WONDER projects

Creating more compost
We are considering how we can generate our own compost on a large scale.
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Measuring our natural capital
In order to improve our goal to increase natural capital every year, we first needed to work out a way of measuring it.
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Working with our contractors and suppliers
We are working with our wedding and event suppliers to eradicate the use of skips. We’re looking at ways to improve waste on building sites.
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Data driven decision making
We are busy behind the scenes crunching the numbers on carbon and waste so we know how we’re doing and where to improve.
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