Things to do
Walking and cycling routes
Get ready foran adventure.
You’ll discover a myriad of routes throughout Holkham Park.
The scenic routes through Holkham park are perfect for both walking and cycling and offer an ideal opportunity for you to explore every nook and cranny of the estate. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not venture outside the park walls and into the local area?

Staying safe while cycling at Holkham
As Holkham is a working estate, with active farming, forestry, property and events departments, we have traffic of all shapes and sizes.
When cycling around Holkham Park and the wider estate, we ask you to adhere to the conventional road use behaviours:
• Please ride on the left of the road
• Stop at all junctions
• Please pull to the side if there are vehicles behind you to let them pass; most of our road and track are single lanes
• Please take special care at junctions if you are riding with small children
• Do not ride over the cattle grids; there are pedestrian gates at the side of each cattle grid for access
Where will you choose to explore?
Choose from a variety of trails carefully created for you to enjoy. These routes vary from just over a mile up to six, and cover a mix of terrain, from woodland and grassland to gravel tracks and tarmac.
Orange route
Mainly grassland – suitable for walking only.
This route takes you around the lake. Discover more about the wildlife that calls Holkham home by reading the information panels dotted along the route.
Brown route
A mix of tarmac, grass and wooded track.
This shorter route is perfect for younger visitors, as you follow mainly traffic-free paths through beautiful woodland areas and across sweeping open spaces.
Yellow route
Mainly rough grass.
This route offers stunning views across the lake, allowing you to enjoy a myriad of birds, ducks and geese and watch butterflies and dragonflies. You’ll get up close to the Coke Monument and St Withburga’s Church too.
Pink route
Mix of rough grassland, tarmac and wooded track.
You’ll enjoy mixture of parkland, lake and interesting buildings on this route. Get up close to the quaint almshouses at the entrance to Holkham Park, look over spectacular lake views, visit St Withburga’s church, stop off at the thatched Ice House and look out for wildlife and deer aplenty.
Green route
Mix of gravel farm tracks and tarmac.
See the stunning Palladian exterior of Holkham Hall, visit the Ice House (the oldest building in the park) and explore the landscaped parkland. Climb up to the Obelisk for great views and discover the Great Barn, a wonderful example of architecture by Samuel Wyatt.
Blue route
Mix of tarmac and gravel farm track.
There are Fields, tracks, woodland and nature abound on this route! Watch out for our signs explaining what is growing in the fields, visit the impressive Great Barn, zoom down the South Drive and don’t forget to stop for great views from the Obelisk.
Red route
Mix of woodland track, gravel and tarmac.
Discover more about Holkham farming past and present as you take in the Coke Monument, see the Fallow Deer herd and explore our farm where conservation and food production go hand in hand. You’ll also see the huge timber stacks, home to our forestry team.